[Bugzilla] Product Dashboard extentions
晚上11:10Once the bugs grows quickly, and if you wanna to review the bug status, you can use product dashboard extensions to manage your bugs.
How to Install?
Step 1. Install bzr.
On ubuntu you can use: apt-get install bzr
Step 2. bzr bugzilla 4.2.x branch
Step 3. bzr bugzilla 4.2.x bmo branch
Step 4. move bmo branch product dashboard extension to bugzilla branch
Step 5. ./checksetup.pl to setup extensions
Step 6. Go to check. (You cannot see ??)
Step 7. If you cannot see Product dashboard, since there are two bugs as follow:
Step 8. Patch bug #875728, #875732 to hook common-link and search-link.
Step 9. ./checksetup.pl to setup extensions again
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